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A Certified Look Before You Leap!


Why would you want to get a home inspection? Buying a house is one of your largest and most important transactions you will make in your lifetime. Niagara Home Inspection provides an unbiased insight into the overall condition of the house at the time of inspection. Knowing what to expect will help you make an informed decision about the purchase of the home as well as the costs of future upkeep.

Experienced. Respected. Trusted.


John has helped many buyers purchase properties with confidence and peace of mind. He is respected and trusted by home buyers, realtors and the local community. His knowledge and experience speaks for itself.

SINCE 1996
Serving the Niagara Region


Niagara Home Inspection is based out of Welland and provides buyers with home inspections throughout the Niagara Region.

© 2023 Niagara Home Inspections 

Site design: Clee Images

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